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2006-01-10 - 11:50 a.m.

I'm a bit stressed right now.

I've got a job that I'm going to start on Friday, but I don't know if I'm going to be 100% cool by then because I'm having my oral surgery on Wednesday. Meh. Hopefully I can pull all my wits together and I can try to do what I have to do.

(funny tidbit, Jer's girlfriend also applied for the job. :p)

Plus this new job is mostly nights and I really want to spend time with Mike and it's usually nights that we both have free time to hang out. :'( And I don't want that to cause a rift between us. Meoooooooooowww. ^. .,^

And of course, I have my oral surgery tomorrow. Scary! They're going to put me under and when I wake up, my mouth will be packed with gauze. Super duper. Mom's going to be there with me. That's comforting. I think my dad might NOT be there, which is super comforting. :D

Someone's been calling my cell phone and not saying a word. And I know who it is. Fuckers. Leave me alone!!! I don't want nothing to do with you guys! *extends middle finger* FUCK YOU!!! Seriously, why do you guys still bother me? It's been three years!!!

Thomas called me to see if I can come over last night, but I told him that I was really tired and I had a massive headache. Plus my arthritis in my chest was acting up because it was so cold and windy. He started talking shit, saying I just didn't want to see him and I was making up excuses. I hung up on him and (as tired and painy as I was) I went to his house and showed up and he could see then that I really was tired. I started crying becuase I was overwhelmed and tired like a little baby and I told him that anything I do is never enough for him and that pisses me off. I cried myself to sleep for about an hour, and then I woke up and I was freaking because I didn't remember driving to his house. :p Oi! I was tired!!!! Thomas apoligized and all, but this is the last time I'm going to anser my phone if it's him or go to his house. He had his chance. Fucker.

I may have to cancell mine, Jackie, and Pam's V-day boycott this year (again) because I may be working. FUCK! And I maybe working on Tonzy's birthday. :( NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Oh, and mom might separate from my dad for a while. She's freaking though because the only place she has to go is my Mexi-Grandma's. I think it's fucked up that she'd have to leave instead of kicking out my dad, but that's the way it is over here. She's considering the option of going to a mental hospital for a few days to get her medication evaluated, some councling, and rest! I support my mom in whatever she does because she's my mom and she's always supported me. I love her. If my parents do separate, though, I'll go with her and my grandma lives in East L.A. :( We'll see what happens.

Yeah...those are my main stressors right now. But still, life is really really good. I got a job, I'm getting my teeth taken care of, I am dating an incredibly wonderful guy who is unlike anyone I've ever known, and my friends are all around me. Good times. :D I'll get through this quickly. I just wish time would speed up a little. :p


go ahead and give it to me
take me through the night
go ahead give it to me,
it's alright,
It's alright,
it's alright

past rants - future ramblings

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