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2006-01-11 - 12:10 p.m.

That's right I'm getting my teeth pulled in about two hours. Yay, fun. Xp After the surgery, I'm just going to knock out for many an hour. So if you call me and I don't answer my phone, you know why. And if you call me compulsively for like, 20 times consecutively, I will murder you and put blood in your coffee. :D

Anyways, I had some pictures that I wanted to share that I took with Mike, but I'll put them up later because I have to go to the White Power Wals*Mart with my moomy right now. Pray for a speedy recovery because I have work on Friday! And hopefully I'm going to Club Violator. :D

xoxo, MErcades

past rants - future ramblings

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