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2006-02-02 - 2:48 p.m.

I havn't been writing much lately. I havn't been home a lot. meh. Such is the life when I have a nice boyfriend who wants to take me everywhere he goes. :) I caught a cold from him, I'm recovering though. We both got sick from eating at Jack in the Box last night. CURSE YOU, FAST FOOD!!!! CURSE YOU!!! He was alright for the most part, I felt like shit all night, felt faint, threw up a few times, I *hate* throwing up with a firey passion. Grrrr....I'm better today, but I still feel faint as hell and shit. I no likey. Mike wanted me to go with him to rehearsal, but I am so not going. I need to stay home and drink fluids. Vital fluids.

Mike got the in for a new band that was interested in him! I'm so very happy for him! :D The band's name is Crossed Keys, pertaining to the crossed keys of St. Peter. Freakin awesome, right???? Anyways, I went with him to their little meeting at the Star Bucks. Lovely. It was sooo cold. All the people in the band are freakin' awesome peoples and they like Mike a lot. :p Meow. :D I took some pics of them afterwards. :p yeahhhhh....freakin awesome. I'm glad Mike's in something he really loves. :D

Check them out, they're really cool! Clickity click the link below!

Crossed Keys

I also met Mike's friend, John, yesterday. He kept talking about him and talking about him and I finally met him. :) He's pretty cool, he just got out of the service and whatnot. He played drums and Mike played bass in his back yard. Fun! They sounded good together. Got to talk to them for a while. Took some pics. (like always)

I've added a new subfolder to Mike's photobucket. It's called Mike N Friends. :D yes it is. Yes it is. :p Oi. I've also made a new link for his pics on my photobucket. Here it is:

Hotpoket Pics

It's also the new marquee banner on Mike's page. Fun. :D

Here are the pics I've taken within the last three days or so:

This guitar suits Mike very well, don't you think? LOL
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Mike fell in love with this bass! He loves it so!
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I thought this thing was cute! It's a shnoman!
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Mike has stolen my shirt! A curse on your moobs!
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Body builder? Eh???
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This looks kick-ass, doesn't it? Makes me want to etch it into his back...hmm...
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Mike's usual bass stance :p
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Mike's friend, John
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John's drum kit
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Mike and John
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Mike and John do a "metal pose" !
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Just talking around
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I look like I want to be anywhere but there
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Mike's dog, Ginger!!!
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Crossed Keys! The "new line-up"!
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Crossed Keys is Mike, Preston, Jamies, Brian and David
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Crossed Keys doing their "Metal" Pose!
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This took a long time to do, so I'm going to go to sleep now, hope to get better before I have to go anywhere. Oh, and I also have a new song in my blog section on my myspace. :) Good shit.

telling him what you think we are,
you're my number one wet blanket
hardly a day goes by that you don't try to break down
no I don't buy it
You're still around, I wonder why

past rants - future ramblings

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