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2006-08-01 - 9:29 a.m.

All my cats are dead again. ('cept for the white one, Chimo. Jer gave it to his new girlfriend.)

Got a new Porcupine Tree Ringtone! So each time y'all call me, Deadwood plays and I smile. :)

Mike is still in training, but he's on a register now. Yay! The new hires are cool. :p The chicky who trains the new people (Denise) knows that we're together and she told Mike she wants to make sure that he's "good enought" for me!!! LMAO!! It's SOoOOO the other way around, but Denise is still cool!!!

I have pure Tuesdays off for the next 4 weeks or so, including my BiRtHdAy! yay! (It's in 28 days, people!!!) I'm having (maybe) a little party, still not sure. We'll see what's going on.

Tonzy's back from Minnesota! Yay! My Tonzy is back safe and sound! I saw him on Suday! And MY JACKIE'S birthday was yesterday!!! I got her a pressy and she liked-ed it lots! :D Next birthdays comming up are Adrian's, Spam's, and Jer's. OooOOohhHHhh! awesome possum!!!!

My legs are getting toned again like they used to be in high school. Mike told me he noticed because my legs used to jiggle a lot when I walked and now they're more solid. I noticed yesterday when I was running around the store like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get a towel with a UPC on it for a customer. My legs feel tight! heheh! If I can get my tummy and arms toned, that'll be cooooool!

School starts next week!!!! OMG!!! I need my car by this week so I can have reliable transportation!!! Does anyone know anyone who's selling a car for cheap? eh? eh? Like, $2,000 is my budget. :( oi!

Thinking of dying my hair black and bleaching the tips and dying them deep red. Hmm...fun! And I want to get my eyebrows threaded. That's when the threader takes thread and pulls off the eyebrow hair with the thread. (I'm sure there's an easier way to explain it, but it's still pretty early for me) It's only $7 at Han's, the place I get all my hair dye stuff!

This morning I pulled my phone by the charger cord and my ear piece hit my naked eye. OUCH!!! I'm so slow, I didn't close my eye! LMAO, I'm such a ditz sometimes.

Mike's comming over for lunchy, so I'm going to make him some lunchy!!! Woohoo!!!


No, you can't tell the customers that your will to live ended as you walked through the doors, so please stop depressing everyone.

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