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2008-03-12 - 7:11 p.m.

Last night I sent my resume to a bunch of places. There was one I was going to fax but my printer ran out of ink. :( So me and Saul went to Walmart to get some but they didn't have the double pack so we went to Office Max. Then we chilled at my house some, watched Invader Zim and talked. It was fun to chill spontaneously and with such lovely company. :)

I had a weird dream last night that can only be described as Night of the Living Dead meets The Devil's Rejects. Gory as fuck. I cut open a woman's chest and took out her heart. It looked like a chicken liver though. Huh. I'm so sick inside. :p

I got a call this morning from a job agency who stumbled upon my resume online and is eager to place me somewhere!!! YES!!! I have an appointment with them on St. Paddy's Day!!!! w00T!!!! I'm so happy!!!! And these jobs start at at least $9/h and if I stay there at least a year I can get my own jobs at permanent places!!!

I went to work preparing for my first full day in eons and I got to train a girly today, that was cool. I talked to Natalie about my new schedual since I'm not comping anymore. She apologized but I know it's out of her hands. Once again I was on a register, but it was a good day. Tak even called me before I went out of work! :D <3 hehehe!!!!

so now I'm home drinking my weight in Sunny D (it was on sale!) and contemplating life in general, different people and situations, how certain people are now in my life and how some are coming into it and leaving it. It's been a strange journey this year so far, short but crazy. I feel like I need to kill a big part of my heart because it's just getting me really depressed and crazy feeling.

I'm going out now. With my mum. :) yay!


how many times have you doubted My word?
How many times must I call your name?

past rants - future ramblings

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