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2006-01-13 - 2:12 a.m.

Well, Mike and I are not dating anymore. We had been dating for about three weeks and now we're not...

That's because we're

ahhahahaahha!!!! Fool y'all, righhhhh??? LOL Awe, I'm so happy!!! He's the sweetest guy and he's mine all mine! :p hehe!!! He asked me, "Will you be with me?" and I said yes!!! I is a happy cow from the land of Kitty!!!! LOL yay, he iz mi boyfriend now! :D I'm so freakin' happy! Can you handle my pleasure?! :p

HEhehehehehehe!!! :D

M'k, yay! I go to work at 4 today. I will be thinking of my hunnie bunnie! <3 If anyone wants to pass by and throw food at me, make sure it's soft so I can chew it!!! I'm going to be in training today. Yay!

And hopefully I will be able to open my mouth a little more without that much discomfort/pain. :p


Did you laugh or did you cry?
Did you scream or did you sigh?
Did you have me in your grips
And loose it when I called it quits?
Well now I have the one who has me
We're happy, that's not what you want to see
So take your anger and leave my sight
Because it's he, not you, in my dreams at night

past rants - future ramblings

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