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2006-01-25 - 2:40 a.m.

Thank you to those of you who wrote/called concerning the latest update that I made. I've come up with a faq of the whole thing:

1. No, I was not talking about Mike. Mike and I are fine. He's helping me through this and he is extreamly wonderful and loving to me.

2. Two of my so-called "friends" overstepped their boudries with me and they are no longer my friends.

3. By "overstepped their boundries", I mean that they did not respect me and did not honour the fact that I have a boyfriend now.

4. No, I don't need these people to be roughed-up, harrassed or tourtured or otherwise. That would take precious time to plan and energy that they really don't deserve. I just don't want these people in my life anymore.

But thank you for the offer. :)

5. Sure, let's get drunk and piss away our problems. :D

hehe, yeah.

I love Mike with all my heart. I'm such a fuck-up and he accepts me and loves me so much. *sigh* He's really someone special and truly unlike anyone else I've ever met and ever will meet. <3 He bought me some bracelettes and a stuffed tiger wearing a leather jacket and a t-shirt that says "Wild Thing" on it. :p He loves me and I love him. <3 I feel like I've known him forever. He's my babe and he calls me his baby. :)

Well, I'd better get to sleep. Quite tired. Didn't really get to sleep last night becuase of emotional anguish.


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