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2008-09-23 - 12:15 a.m.

I spent all day hanging with Kevin, we watched Howl's Moving Castle and Screamers. We ate at Chilli's which was freakin' good cos we were so very hungry!!!! I kept in touch with Saul all day, I was hoping to see him when I got home but it wasn't in the stars.

I came home around 8 and I was PISSED because I saw my lights on in my car and there was garbage in it from what I saw. My car hasn't been used in 2 weeks and I haven't gone in it for any reason. Little Bro's been using it like his own personal fucking hangout. I told dad about it and mom. I reheated Kevin's fries from Chilli's but we needed soda. We walked to Circle K for it (and to walk off our lunch LOL) and back and when I came back my bro had been arguing with my parents cos I guess they brought up the car. The last thing I heard him say was, "Yeah, that whore tells you one thing and that's it!!!" That's MY FUCKING CAR, YOU ASSHOLE. He always throws my parents off by bringing up other shit.

Mike said he wants to meet up on Wednesday for Vietnamese food. We'll talk then about if he's serious about moving out because I can't say at the house anymore with this bullshit. He will continue to get away with murder and I'll be the one to pay for it. Bullshit.

Kevin and I watched Steamboy which was pretty awesome. I left after taking a shower and talking to Saul. Kevin saw what happened with my brother acting a fool and yelling at my mom and calling me a whore. He asked me to come stay with him and he'd take me to work. I'm super fortunate to have a friend like him right now because he's offering to help me so much.


Mom said to wait things out but things have been getting continuously worse. I haven't talked to him in the past month and he's just been getting madder and madder for no reason at all and he keeps doing things to me. I'm sick of it. I'm done. They can't do anything about him so I'll just leave. Fuck it.

I've tried being patient. I'm done killing myself trying.


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