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2008-05-12 - 2:43 a.m.

As this world keeps on changing, so do most traditions.

My aunt invited my family and the rest of my mom's side to spend Saturday (which is Mexican Mother's Day Dia de las Madres) at her best friend's house. She never called us so we missed that event. Boo. :(

I hung out with Le Tigre and gave him one of my mixed CDs. It had a picture of a necklace I'd given him the day before which is a dragon facing an angel. He said he liked it so far. I took him to work since I still had to buy my mom a Mom's day pressie. Not that I was procrastinating, by no means; I went to mall after mall after mall looking for something suitable to get her. My mom is a really simple woman and she didn't want me to buy her anything but still I wanted to get her *something*.

So I'm shopping for a nice card to go with the gift card I got her (for more plants, she's obsessed with gardening right now :p) and Le Tigre calls me telling me that he DIDN'T work LOL. We had lunch at In n Out.

After I came home, I gave mom the gift card and a Hallmark (cos I care hehe!) card saying how good it is when we hang out and chat like we're friends and that I loved her a lot. My family was supposed to go to a BBQ on my dad's side of the family today but no one was there around 3:30 so my dad wanted to wait. I took a nap then me and mom went to church since my dad left already. I saw Rainbow Jackie n her mum n sister!!! I miss that gal sooooo much! After her finals, we're going to hang out. :) My lil rainbow works so hard!

Mom and I had a nice dinner at Sizzler talking and chatting. I feel like I haven't seen her in a long time though she's always at the house. I asked her when she thought she's go back to work but it's still totally up in the air. I know she's getting worse, I can tell. It's not helping her being home, I think it's made her worse. My mother is the forever the strongest most fragile woman I know and I pray she gets better.

After we got home, I talked to Tak for a while cos he called me, awe! I love getting phone calls from Tak! We chatted a bit about plans for tomorrow. I then went to Walmart to get some packages to mail my e-bay auctions out. I watched The Illusionist with Le Tigre, I got a pic message from Mike showing me the tattoo he got in honour of his mum. It looks outstanding, an Eye of Ra. My mum would absolutely *KILL* me if I ever did something like that for her!!!

So it was unlike any other Mother's day than before but my mom was happy with how she spent it. I remember in years past she used to cry and go into a deep depression because my father wouldn't celebrate it or say anything like Happy Mother's day to her. Now I'm older, I can show her she's special. :)

And of all the craziness I've been surrounding myself with as of late, it felt so very good to look into the eyes that I'd seen a hundred times but for the first time as a new creature and say what I had to say and mean every drop of it without reservation and know it was acknowledged and feel a sense of freedom in finally being able to say it and mean it without anything kept within or restricted. It's freeing. It's wonderful.


you may loose me tomorrow but you had me today

past rants - future ramblings

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