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2007-02-14 - 4:55 p.m.

First off, here's my annual v-day card:

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anyways, here's my v-day so far:

-Last night, bought 2 bottles of Jager at half price. YEEAAHH!!!

-Saw James this morning! <3 I miss him so. I havn't talked to him in a while cuz I've been so freakin' sick. He said he'd call me. We'll see...

-Saw Vidal this morning. Asked him how Abel was doing. He said, "He's nice." Um...yeah...dork. LOL He's a cool guy.

-Saw DIEGO! today! He went to the Marines last year and now he's back!!! yay! IN ONE PIECE!!!! Thank God, seriously, for those of you who know how I feel about the military, you know that I consider it a tremedous blessing when they come back. :) I hugged him n stuff. YAY!

-Bought sodas for the party at school tonight. WOO!!!

-bought a bouquette of antique looking roses today. I love roses! I'm going to take pics of them later, they're beautiful!!!

plans later:

-come home and do my hair all pretty :p

-clean my room all pretty cuz MY PARENTS AND BRO ARE OUT OF TOWN THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!! Fun for Tako n Me! And Dwayne's having a party for Rocio on Saturday, drunken times for all!!!!


-do what I do every year when I don't have a boyfriend (or one that's a looooser):

Lock myself in my closet and eat an entire box of chocolates by myself as I cry in the dark. Yeah. I like that plan. I'm hungry. :D

And don't cry if you're sans a boyfriend/girlfriend this day because you're never really alone anyway, you have your friends and family who love you a lot. :D And you save money on buying all that v-day stuff!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Good shit.

And if you do have a boy/girlfriend, then cherish this day as the day you spend $3.50 on a Hallmark card that sings "Wild Thing" only to be added to the pile of crap you buy them anyway. Yes, I am wicked. >;D

Happy Valentine's Day, losers!!!!


it's simple: I give you flowers and candy, you put out

past rants - future ramblings

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