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2007-02-25 - 6:28 p.m.

Yesterday was my baby cousin's b-day party. Mom, jer and me went. We ate, I drank, got a little buzzed and whatnot. :) I was supposed to hang out with Steve, but I didn't want to drive, you know? :p

I talked to Diego on AIM, I'm glad he can talk to me. I like talking to him, getting to know him more. I talked to Tako when he got back from Bakersfield on Friday. He said he was thinking and he wants to be with me. And that made me melt because I know I want to be with him, too, but I'm not ready. He said he'll wait for me. OMG...how can this be? He's so awesome. I can't believe that he wants to be with me. It came so sudden and such a surprise.

I talked to him last night and we made plans for me to visit him today. <3 I bought him Garden State and the soundtrack! He loved it! We went to the mall next to his house and I ate a yummy potatoe. I got to meet his friend Andrew, who reminds me of a mellow version of Albert. It was cool cuz we all got along well and talked a lot. We went to Jack in the Box afterwards and hung out some more. It was awesome. :)

Before we went in the mall, we hung out in the car for a while and I was in his arms, it made me feel so incredible, so cared for. When we were talking, I looked and him and I told him, "You know I love you" and as I said those words they fell out of my mouth like glass, I couldn't believe I said it like that. And he said, "I know, I love you too" I still don't know what to make of that, that my head left me for the moment, and my heart revealed itself. And I know I really do love him, I've known this since Monday, I realized it. I know I love him and it's beautiful that I feel this way but frustrating because I know I'm not ready and I'm scared and I don't know when I will be. But at the same time, I know I left my phantom heart with Tako today. I left the part of me that wants him with him and I know one day I'll come back to get it. Because I care about him a lot. And I can't believe I feel this way about someone...

I don't know when I'll be ready but I know I have someone wonderful waiting for me.


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My Gummi Bear and his Funny Bunny

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This is for Diego :p Airsoft Freak

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The beautiful cloud formation from the 210 freeway

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I almost got in a car accident taking this pic!!! :p WORTH IT! LOL


kiss me and tell me you're real

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