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2007-06-04 - 9:13 p.m.

Today seemed like a waste of a day. I was sick so I was lethargic, and I wasn't happy about that. And I have like, no money again so I have to make my gas last till next week when Tak comes over and pays me back some of the money I lent him a few months ago.

I slept for a long time today which didn't help much, I've been having dreams where I smoke pot and regret it and lately, Mike's been finding his way into my dreams again. I had this problem a few months after we broke up. I'm having it again because I know he's leaving in July. It bothers me so much that he's going back to the marines, but all I can do is pray, right? It makes me ill to see or hear things about the military on the news, which makes for interesting TV watching time with me seeing how I switch the channels everytime I see something military related.

I gave Abel a ride today. That was fun. I like helping out when I can.

Found out today that Amelindy and Steve are officially together and have been for about a week or so already. *sigh* I wanna hope for the best.

Mom and I went to the market, Tak called me as I left. I saw Mike pull into the stall across from me, I don't think he saw me, though. Just wanted to go home. I got sick when I came home, it was gross, then I had to deal with my mom screaming at my dad and then me and my brother while I put away the groceries and all I wanted to do was call Tak. I got to talk to him for a little bit, he said he'd call me back in a little while. That was an hour ago. Oh, well.

I'm just way sick right now, not in a good mood, so not in the mood to hear my bro's girlfriend whine and whine and whine, she annoys the hell out of me. and my mom was yelling at my dad for something, and it was a effortless situation because my dad doesn't listen. And she keeps complaining about the dogs in the house, and I'm tired of it too but no one's doing anything aobut it. We have 5 adult dogs and 4 puppies right now and it's a fucking handful dealing with the pit bull. He's docile and all, but he's a real attention hog and he likes going in between your legs as you walk so you trip as you go along. Argh...

Today was totally depressing.
That's all.

Now I'm here drinking cold but stale water. I'm gonna wait a while more for Tak to call me back, but if he doesn't, fuck it. I'm going to sleep. I have to comp shop tomorrow. Something tells me I'm going to be in a weird mood tomorrow. I kind of don't want to comp shop anymore, but I know I'm going to be working someplace else pretty soon hopefully. I'm gonna miss everyone, but it's time for bigger and better.

your heart's like a rose
full bodied and in bloom
your words are like razors
and I'll be bled dry soon

past rants - future ramblings

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