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2009-04-04 - 10:53 a.m.

So Thursday I visited my babe who was reacting badly to the commissary soups. Hypertension and sodium-based snack foods do not mix! Although it was a short visit, it was a good visit and I was happy to see and talk to him. We talked about his letters he send and how happy I was to get them and cleared some things that were up for questioning. I miss him a lot, I get so much joy from seeing him, I try to look my best for him. I was happy to get all A's on my tests at school and did a few more successful injections and such. Some of the girls in class talked to me during break, even, that was cool. I try not to get too chummy cos I don't want to be distracted during class. There's a fear of the class getting shut down cos of all the no-shows but hopefully we shall carry on the rest of this year *knock on wood* I hung out with Matt after he got off of work and met up at Walmart. I scared him by standing right next to him while he was looking for me and said, "So, what are we looking for?" :p Kevin passed by us while we looked at movies and said hi. Matt and I chilled at Matt's house, talking about music and looking at all his Insane Clown Posse stuff and posters, it was pretty cool cos I'd never really listened to their stuff and Matt was explaining the band's history and such to me. I got an upsetting phone call which was made all the more upsetting cos it was in from of Matt and I don't like bringing my drama with me to places, but Matt was really understanding, gave me a big hug and gave me some really sound advice and we went on to listen to some ICP from his X-Box, OMGosh, he's got an amazing sound system that made me hear music as if I'd never heard it before! LOL After I left, I knocked the heck out at home, woke up sore cos I'd been wearing heels to the visit earlier in the day. I'm not used to them, not wearing them for so long! It was a kick-back day and I was in a chat room with the otaku party peeps laughing up a storm! I hadn't laughed like that in ages! In the evening, Mike and I went to Chilli's for dinner, just to talk and hang out. It was jammed pack, Mike said, "What is this? Did everyone else decide to bring their ex-girlfriend to Chilli's today, too?!" :p I haven't had such a pleasant evening with him in so long, he kept me laughing my arse off and I made him laugh, too. I didn't know Chilli's had such a small variety of seafood and non-meat items, even the SOUP I ordered had BACON in it!!! It's Friday!!! LOL The waiter was super nice about getting me another bowl of soup but I don't believe in wasting food so I picked out the bacon and Mike ate it. I was so tempted to want to drink, everyone was drinking there it seemed. We were next to the kitchen so all I saw where margaritas and daiquiris and stuff coming out in pretty colours and glasses! But I stood strong and brushed it off cos this builds character and strength. We spoke about future plans for one another's lives, how I wanted to get married and have children with Saul, my career goals. Mike made a few suggestions for Saul when he gets out to help him on the outside because it will be difficult for him when he gets out to find a job and whatnot with his felony. Mike asked me if I'm prepared for how hard things will be and without question I said yes. Though I'm sure I have no idea how hard things will be or how I'll get through them, I'm certain I will get through them. I'm a stronger willed individual and a better armed spiritual soldier. And I'm grateful that Mike wanted to help me.Came home, watched Invader Zim for a while before he went home, he's been working 13 hour back-to-back shifts, he'd worked 3 shifts in 24 hours before he'd come to see me so he was pretty tired. I said a Rosary after he left, and felt something I'd never felt before and saw things I'd never seen before. I felt so peaceful and happy, really positive and very optimistic. Yesterday was the Sorrowful Mysteries and the fruits of the mysteries really hit home with what I need to do: be patient, perseverance, repent for sins, etc. I felt very peaceful after the prayers, I felt very happy inside. Today: Went to morning mass already, going to mail some letters to Saul, he's got a LOT of handwritten ones to read. :p Going to confession. Come what may in between that. Tomorrow: Visiting Sauli, going to Life Teen mass cos they're going to have the Palm Sunday precession outside to the inside of church, it's a wonderful mass to go to. In other news: the Renaissance Fair at the Santa Fe Dam is officially starting today till May!!! I'm totally going to go when I get money, it was a lot of fun going with MPsy last year!!! Maybe we could get a group going on? Eh? Eh!! My dad's birthday is coming up on the 19th, he's going to be 57 years OLD lol. Blessing of the Animals is next week, I'm going to take Squeaky Toy to get blessed, maybe that'll cast the devil out of he!!! hahah I should bring Pulgita maybe, get the babies in her belly blessed. :p I'm finding joy in listening to music again, it's really getting me in a better mood!!! I can't leave my speakers on all the time cos they make a loud humming sound but I kept them on yesterday. I was watching Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei which is a really awesome anime! It sucks though on the quality they have it on YouTube, HD is definitely important while you watch it cos of the animation and subtle jokes. And the lyrics to the opening song fit Le Tigre perfectly. perfectly. And I'm in the mood to buy more work-appropriate dresses. I need to purge my wardrobe again. Badly. Yard sale!!!!I want to take a trip away from here. AX, you better be good to me. I need to get cracking on my cosplays!!!! RAWR!!! Thanks for reading. :) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* it was the best of times, it was the worst of times

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