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2005-03-04 - 2:18 p.m.

Now that I have your attention with my lovely heading, I shall go on to say, yes, I am still alive. You are shocked, no? I lost my Nirvana (Nevermind) CD. :( I am heartbroken. *crack*
Tommorry is the yard sale. Come buy and buy things you don't really need. It'll do you some good. All proceeds go to buying me and new DVD/VCR combo and, quite possibly, a new CD/Tape player with a digital tuner.
This weekend I also (fingers crossed, hopefully) get a phone in my room. This is a cool thing for me. I feel so grown up. :P Now, where the hell are my Lucky Charms????
My boobs are HUGE. I feel off of my bed onto my tummy the other night and since I'm pretty top-heavy already, my boobs got squished and now they're kinda poofy and swollen from the fall. And if you've seen my bed, you know that it's a good three feet from the floor so it's a pretty far fall from the ground. *poke* hehe, if only they could be this big all the time. LOL *poke*
I made up a contract for me and Vidal. If he breaks it, he's gone. I had to do it because if I didn't, he'd still be pissing me off. Not to mention my family. My dad made it a point to tell me that a woman has a lot of power over a man, and I know exactly what he means. (hehe!)
Angie is going to move in with Anthony and his mom so looks like I might be seeing her a lot. :) Cool. Angie rocks. I havn't seen her baby, so that's cool, too. I'll be here for her like I am for Anthony and his family.
I washed my cats. They scratched me good. I've got the cat-scratchies to prove it. All over my chest. Stupid Little Brother threw the cat at me. Clawed me good. Moo. :(
Next week I get my hamster AND a haircut! Yay! Lucky me! I'm going to get my bangs cut into a "V" shape and the back of my head is going to be slightly shaved. Probably about a 1 or a 2. I'm not gonna get a 0, that's just crazy.
My room is still immaculatly clean. Very very clean. Super clean. So very clean. It's Beatle-mania in my room and it tis cllleeeaaaaannnnn.
I had a dream about a guy I used to like from my church. I dreamed that he was being nice to me. (Even though he's not really that nice to me) Usually whenever I have a dream about someone I like, they don't like me back, so I'm just going to go with that. But dreams are nice, arn't they?
(And ,no, the dream wasn't about you-know-who) ;)
Pretty Girls Make Graves

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