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2006-12-14 - 5:29 p.m.

OMG, had a hell of a busy day! I woke up, got my check, bought something for Mike, hung out with him for a while when he got his check and to give him what I bought him, went to the insurance co. to get my good student discount. Turns out I can't get it because I go to a trade school and not a community school. Bah! on them!!!

I called Steve a million times but sad to say he was asleep. :( I had lunchy with the infamous Mr. David (aka Super Angry Dave) at In-N-Out and we talked and talked. It was a lovely lunch.

Had my doctors appointments, talked to my psychologist, she said that it's better that Mike broke up with me now than later when things were set or we were already married and had kids. She said that was a blessing because she was married for 17 years and had kids with her ex and they divorced. That would have devistated me, so yes, this is a blessing. And she said that a door doesn't close without a better one being open. Mike may have not been the one for me, but it still hurts because I put him in my heart and now there's a hole there. Just gotta fill it up with Jesus and he will provide the rest.

Talked to Mike on the way from the mall (I got Christmas pressies for all my people except for 2 and that's only because I ran out of time, and now I'm almost broke again! Hooray! Present shopping continues tomorrow maybe) and we had a long discussion about how we feel about eachother. It's getting better, especially with what the doctor told me. I'm beggining to see this friendship with him better and more clearly and parts of things still hurt but they'll get better. :)

Tomorrow: Work until 5pm!!! Overtime! yay! and SVHS performance at the PAC! gonna see some friends hopefully
Sat./Sun.: work/work & church (no Mike, no Sunday evenings off anymore. Maybe it's for the better)
Mon.: Day off! Tako comes to visit! yay!!!! :) I is a happy kitty! expect pictures

Tonight Mike's gonna pick up his Christmas gifts. He's gonna love them! And then I pass out from exhaustion. LOL I have work, lots of work tomorrow, so hopefully tonight's a short night for class.


I've got to say that things are getting better
They're getting better all the time

past rants - future ramblings

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